Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sports Cartoon's

In this cartoon the artist is poking fun at Tiger Wood's recent mistakes that caused a couple of his sponsors to drop him. Tiger, who had a problem with sex addiction, had slept with many women while married to his wife. The cartoon says newsflash Nike keeps tiger as a sponsor. Then the hat says just do do do it. This is of course talking about his many sexual encounters with many different women.
In the cartoon to the right it shows a huge crowd under a banner saying School Sports Day. I expected to then see kids running in a race or jumping over hurdles but instead their are kids playing video games. The picture shows the two overweight kids out of breath as they play a game that looks like soccer on tv. I think the article is trying to get across the point that America is playing too many games on the TV and not enough outside. I agree with this article and think it makes a good point.

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