Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This cartoon shows Mike Vick on trial against a bunch of dogs. This is funny because Vick hurt so many dogs in his dog fighting operation and now he has to go up against them.


In the future I believe the economy in South Africa will only improve because of the World Cup. Soccer fans from around the world will flood the country and spend money which will only help the economy. Also the improvements they are making to make their country presentable will only make South Africa more desirable for tourists who want to visit their country.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


This is one of the most exciting times of the year for NBA fans as the playoffs have started and its already in the second round. In the NBA the top 8 teams of each conference make the playoffs which seems like a lot considered there are 31 teams in the league. The favorite to win the playoffs are the LA Lakers who won last year but the Cavs, Celitcs, and Magic are going to give them a fight. The playoffs have a big impact on society because many people tune into the games on ABC and TNT and like to talk about the games the next day. Also people go to the games and spend tons of money inside the areanas.
The Phoenix Suns are beating the San Antonio Spurs, they are up 2-0 in the series. Steve Nash and Amare Stoudamire are leading the charge. I probably should come to expect this, because the Suns beat the Spurs 2 out of three 3 times. They have many more offensive rebounds. They are out-rebounding them in general, 94-75. So basically, more rebounds equals victories.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Gilbert Arenas had a gun in the locker room, as well as his teammate, Javaris Crittenton. They

brought loaded guns into their locker room, apparently as a joke. They were suspeneded by the

NBA for the rest of the season. Gilbert Arenas was charged with felony, and will be sentenced

on March 26th. Someone could have been seriously injured.


This political cartoon is saying that, we think, Dwight Howard is not good. D Howard only dunks

and is not that good of a player. He is not terrible, but he really is not that good. He was on the

cover of sports illustrated as well

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sports Cartoon's


In this cartoon the artist is poking fun at Tiger Wood's recent mistakes that caused a couple of his sponsors to drop him. Tiger, who had a problem with sex addiction, had slept with many women while married to his wife. The cartoon says newsflash Nike keeps tiger as a sponsor. Then the hat says just do do do it. This is of course talking about his many sexual encounters with many different women.
In the cartoon to the right it shows a huge crowd under a banner saying School Sports Day. I expected to then see kids running in a race or jumping over hurdles but instead their are kids playing video games. The picture shows the two overweight kids out of breath as they play a game that looks like soccer on tv. I think the article is trying to get across the point that America is playing too many games on the TV and not enough outside. I agree with this article and think it makes a good point.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The Los Angeles Lakers are the best team in professional basketball. They employ the best basketball player in the world, Kobe Jelly Bean Bryant. So, it is no surprise that they sell out every home game. They attract the best in Los Angeles, the best in Hollywood, the most famous in the world. Everyone from the likes of Chris Rock, Terrell Owens, and Jack Nicholaus attend games on a regular basis. The Lakers play in the renowned Staples Center, a stadium that they share with the Clippers. The Staples Center has the capacity to hold 20,000 fans and each and every game they manage to fill every single one of those seats. Its fair to say that the people of Los Angeles keep their eyes glued to the Lakers success and failures. From Kobe's historic 81-point game to their recent championship the Lakers have always been able to keep their fans entertained.
The impact the Lakers have on their own town alone is drastic as I said earlier, the fans constantly check the box scores and rout for their home team. Globally the Lakers, along with the Boston Celtics, are the most well-known franchise in the world. Kobe Bryant's jersey sales are always in the top 10 in the league and people from all over the world know who the Lakers are. In my opinion it seems silly to think that a basketball team has any impact. However to many people in the LA and over the world live and die by the teams success. People make the case that sports are unnecessary but in a world where there is so much hate and fighting its nice to have an escape every once in a while and that’s exactly what sports do. For the residents in LA the Lakers are their escape.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Opening of the Winter Olympics

On February 12th the biggest sporting competition in the world started with a beautiful ceremony. The ceremony showed every country that was competing in the olympics walking in with their nation's flag being held high. Every olympic athlete showed great pride being able to represent their country. I can only imagine how satisfying the walk in must feel. This year the Winter Olympics are being held in Vancouver, Canada, where they average over two feet of snow every winter. The story early on, however, was the lack of snow which was causing events to be postponed. The impact on the Winter Olympics is massive. People all over the world tune in to watch their countrymen compete for the highly coveted gold medals. What is up for grabs? Only everything. The Canadian hockey team not only wants to win the gold they are EXPECTED to win. When the Canadian's took the ice for their first game on Tuesday, the whole country had their eyes glued to the tv. When they went the whole first period without scoring a goal the fans starting to get nervous. The rest of the game was a breeze as the Canadians scored eight goals and won the game in a shutout. If the team lost? The country would go into an almost instant riot. Thats how big hockey and the olympics are in Canada. So what is the impact of the olympics? Well lets just say it has the ability to completely control and fascinate a country.
When I tune in to the olympics my immediate reaction is to check the medal count of the Americans. Most of the time I am happily rewarded as the American's usually dominate the Olympic games. In my opinion nothing can compare to the Olympic games because this is a congregation of the best athletes from around the world. When you see the opening ceremonies it really hits you that each and every person on the screen is incredible at their sport. The impact the Olympics has on a country is huge. I remember when all of America was watching as Michael Phelps chased history. Swimming suddenly became the most important sport in America as everywhere you went you heard people talking about Phelps and his pursuit for perfection. The Winter Olympics are a little watered down but they still have the whole country watching and its not just America. The whole world enjoys watching the Olympics and every two years when the games return viewers continue to tune in.
